Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows
The ultimate guide for anyone who wants to know how Windows ticks and how to keep it ticking.
Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows, Second Edition, is the book hardcore Windows Vista and XP users have been clamoring for.
Mueller, author of the bestselling Upgrading and Repairing PCs, and Knittel, famous for his bestselling Special Edition Using
Windows books, now bring you an equally in-depth guide to Windows troubleshooting and repair.
This comprehensive resource includes information on:
Licensing issues
Managing security
Optimizing performance
Backing up and recovering data
Networking your Vista and XP computers
Dealing with annoying User Account (UAC) prompts
Configuring settings and the registry
Protecting Windows from viruses and spyware
Multibooting Vista with other operating systems
Automated Windows deployment for IT professionals
Touted as the greatest operating system to ever be released, Vista is considered by many to be a vast improvement over its predecessors, such as XP and 95/98.
All that power, however, comes at a price.
As with most major OS revisions, Vista is rife with usability and compatibility issues that frustrate even the most seasoned system techs.
If you only buy one book on Windows, this is the one.
You won’t find tried and true Vista coverage anywhere else.
Find out how to make Windows work with you and not against you with Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows, Second Edition.
Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows
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